
6 ways to help wildlife survive the cold weather

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January 16, 2025

6 ways to help wildlife survive the cold weather

Mooney Goes Wild contributor Terry Flanagan shares his latest round up of nature news.

With the bad weather we've had over the last couple of weeks, maybe we should give some serious thoughts to help protect our wildlife. Here are six simple measures that you can undertake:

1. Plant a hedge

Winter is tree planting season and if you have the space, creating a mixed hedge or shrubby border of native species can make an enormous difference for wildlife. Plants will offer vital shelter from the elements, dense, spiny branches are great nesting spots and abundant flowers and berries will feed all manner of bees, butterflies, birds and more.

2. Help birds find a home

The spring breeding season is just around the corner and as soon as the new year dawns, birds will be scouting for homes to raise their chicks. Winter is a good time to give existing nest boxes a good clean in preparation, or to put up new ones.

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3. Leave seedheads standing

As plants die back, delay the traditional garden tidy up and choose to leave some of the seedheads standing. The seeds will provide food for birds and small mammals, and hollow stems and intricate seedheads are valuable shelter for overwintering insects like ladybirds. They’ll add structure and interest to your outdoor space for winter too, with common plants like angelica and sea holly looking as stunning dusted with frost as they do in flower. Alternatively, cut stems back and leave small piles in quieter areas.

4. Avoid turning the compost heap

Turning your compost won’t hurt wildlife, but it will disturb any hibernating slow worms, frogs or hedgehogs from their winter slumber. Moving compost around in cold conditions will lose some of that all-important heat needed for decomposition too, so it’s best for everyone to wait until spring when the weather warms up and any residents have moved on.

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5. Monitor hedgehog feeding stations

Hedgehogs can hibernate from around October to April, but may still be out and about in early winter if conditions are mild. They may also wake up for brief periods to search for food as fat reserves deplete, especially if they were born later in the year, so it’s worth leaving some food undercover at all times. A bowl of cat biscuits will stay dry and edible for at least a week. Remember, never leave out milk for hedgehogs.

6. Feed the birds

As temperatures plummet and food becomes difficult to find, a helping hand can make all the difference for birds. Keep tables and hanging feeders topped up with calorie-rich supplies like fat balls, peanuts and sunflower hearts to help them replenish the extra energy they use to keep warm.